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Image by Elena Mozhvilo

Bursaries & Awards

Prior to the implementation of the ALLA National Model, the ALLA Scholarships & Awards Committee (ASAC) administered all the various national scholarships, bursaries and awards that were available to ALLA members.

Under the National Model, committees are formed for each scholarship and award separately. These committees typically consist of a member of the board acting alongside a predetermined number of general members, who together appraise applications and administer each award.

ALLA Certificate of Appreciation

In addition to the named awards, ALLA also presents annual Certificates of Appreciation to members of the Australian Law Librarians' Association who have made a significant contribution to ALLA or to the profession of law librarianship.


Nominations will be considered by the National President and the President of the nominated members division.


All ALLA members are invited to nominate worthy candidates by submitting a nomination form. 

Presentation of Certificates

Recipients will be awarded their certificate at their local Divisional meeting/event at a date to be determined by the Divisional President or at the National AGM.


Recipients will be recorded in the National President's Report tabled at the Annual General Meeting.

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