ALLA 2011 Conference
Actioning the Law
Actioning the Law, the 2011 Australian Law Librarian's Association conference was held at the Hotel Realm, Canberra from 28-30 September 2011.
2011 Conference Committee
ALLA would like to thank the members of the 2011 conference committee:
Amanda Magnussen, Jan Bordoni, Rick Clarke, Vima Devia, Pauline Dowling, Fiona Gallagher, Janet Gray, Margaret Hutchinson, Gregory Jones, Roy Jordan, Joanna Longley, Rosemary Nicholson, Maria Pate, Randi Taylor, and Morgan Wilson
for organising such an informative and successful event
Papers & Presentations
The legislation process - the role of the drafter - Claire Parkhill, Office of Parliamentary Counsel.
The flowchart of the legislation process which was displayed during this presentation.
The new Personal Property Securities Register - Melissa Tracey-Patte, Attorney-General’s Department.Download the presentation in .ppt format
ComLaw – recent changes and proposed developments - Liz O'Donnell, Attorney-General’s Department. View the presentation in .pps format
The Pacific Twinning Program - Karyn Gladwish, Lionel Murphy Library, Attorney-General’s Department.Download the presentation in .ppt format (4.7 MB)
Free as in beer, free as in speech - John Sheridan, AGIMO. Download as PDF file.
Freedom of information, a government perspective - Dr James Popple, Freedom of Information Commissioner.Download the presentation in .ppt format
Nature of a hung parliament - Maggie Burke and Mardi Darmody, Lexis Nexis Australia the paper in .doc formatDownload Download the presentation.ppt format
30 websites in 30 minutes, Dennis Warren, La Trobe University and Kay Tucker, Monash University.| View the prezi
Lessons learnt from a crisis: Disaster management in law libraries, Lisa Sylvester, MacGillivrays Solicitors and Sue Hutley, ALIA Download the presentation in .ppt format See also: http://www.alia.org.au/disasterplanning/
Do I want an app for that? Legal professionals and mobile devices - Linda Moore, CCH Australia. the presentation on slideshareView Download the whitepaper, "Legal Professionals and Mobile Devices" Linda Moore, CCH, March 2011
Trove and the digitized newspaper project – its use for legal researchers, Mark Raadgever, National Library of Australia Download the presentation in .ppt format (4.5 MB)
FoolkitThe law in ACTion : legal research in small law firms, Andrew Rogers, Download the presentation in .ppt format (7.5 MB)
Mind the gap! Legal research skills at university and in the workplace - or how I leaned not to love Google - Philomena Humphries and Justin Booker, University of Western Australia Download PowerPoint slides in .ppt format
Please note that the program is subject to change at the discretion of the organising committee.