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Team Meeting

Consiglio di Amministrazione

Ai sensi della costituzione dell'Australian Law Librarians' Association Ltd. (ALLA), il Consiglio di Amministrazione di ALLA è composto da almeno otto membri, in carica per un anno dalla data di nomina, con possibilità di rinnovo annuale per un ulteriore due anni. Le elezioni per la carica si tengono generalmente ogni settembre presso l'ALLA AGM.


I membri di ALLA sono invitati a partecipare alle riunioni future del Consiglio di ALLA tramite teleconferenza. Contattare l'attuale Presidente o Segretario dell'ALL per l'orario delle riunioni e i dettagli di accesso. Per contattare il consiglio si prega di compilare il  contattaci modulo

Consiglio di amministrazione 2020-2021

Laurie oversees the management of the Law Library of Victoria - an important legal resource for the courts, the legal profession and members of the community, whilst forging a strategic direction for the Library that meets the information needs of all members of the Victorian legal community.


As Supreme Court Librarian, Laurie is an ex officio member of the Council of Law Reporting in Victoria and led the Council’s project to refresh and revitalise the Victorian Reports.


Laurie’s current role includes the management of a nationally significant law library collection: the Victorian Supreme Court Library established in 1851 by Sir Redmond Barry. Books that formed part of the first collection were placed on library shelves in 1852.


Specialties: Information management, influence, leadership, staff development, change management, nfp and public sector board director, board secretary, company secretary

Emma Joneshart è attualmente bibliotecaria di ricerca e formatrice presso Minter Ellison.


Emma ha lavorato per oltre 10 anni presso MinterEllison. In precedenza ha ricoperto posizioni simili presso Freehills, il Taxation Institute of Australia, Deacons e biblioteche governative.


Emma si è laureata con un Bachelor of Arts seguito da un Diploma di Laurea in Scienze Applicate (Informazione) presso l'Università di Tecnologia, Sydney.


La passione di Emma sono i suoi due pelosi, Cosmo e Maisie. Le piacciono anche il balletto e i film.

Karen Rowe-Nurse ha lavorato in biblioteche legali negli ultimi vent'anni in studi legali, tribunali e biblioteche accademiche.


I punti salienti della carriera includono la ricezione di una borsa di studio per conferenze internazionali per partecipare alla conferenza della British and Irish Law Librarians' Association 2011, lo sviluppo di una nuova biblioteca accademica di diritto a Sydney per Notre Dame; convocando la conferenza ALLA 2013 e entrando a far parte del consiglio di amministrazione dell'Australian Law Librarians' Association.

Kate è Law and Business Librarian presso ACU Melbourne, che anche se ora chiama Melbourne a casa, torna a Perth alcune volte all'anno.


Le piace il suo lavoro, anche se alcune persone pensano ancora che legga tutto il giorno. È un'appassionata magliaia, Bimby, Instagrammer e una zia devota.


Kate ha anche fatto parte del comitato della conferenza ALLA 2018, del comitato ALIA NGAC e co-organizzatore del programma 23 Mobile Things australiano-neozelandese.

Carole is the Law School Librarian at the University of Melbourne. Before returning home to Melbourne in 2007, she was Associate Director, Moritz Law Library at The Ohio State University in Columbus Ohio, U.S.A.


Carole is the former Co-CPD Coordinator for ALLA-Vic, a member of the International Federatino of Law Librarias (IFLA) Law Library Committee, a former convener of the Australian & New Zealand Academic and College Law Librarians Group (ANZACLL), and a convener of the Joint Study Institute for law librarians, which was held at the University of Melbourne in 2013 and sponsored b AALL, ALLA, BIALL, CALL/ACBD and NZLLA.

Phil Mullen has worked in Libraries for well over 25 years, where he has worked in Law and Newspaper Libraries.


For much of his time he has been a solo law librarian and this has shaped how he views the challenges faced by librarians. His chief concerns during his time as a librarian have been the development of training and marketing programs to deliver the best service to his library customers.


With Michael Marriott he received the Australian Law Librarian (ALL) Ted Glasson Award in 2012 for the following article, "Redesigning an Information Services Portal" 2012 ALL Vol 20(3) 119 -124.



Non-board members:

I have worked for MinterEllison for close to 10 years now, covering various roles in reference, systems and collections & procurement. Prior to my days as a librarian I worked for ABC TV and in website content and design. My library career began with a post graduate diploma in information management at Southbank TAFE in Brisbane, which lead to my first library job in the multimedia department of the University of Queensland. My foundational degree in Communications and Media from RMIT was helpful then, and continues to inform how I see the work of librarians and the online world. As for books, I have a fondness for those too, I've even authored one.

Anne is the Law Librarian at the Australian National University.  She conducts training courses for students and researchers, and offers one-on-one research support as required. She is also the collection development librarian for law, and has liaison responsibilities with publishers. 


Anne has over twenty years’ experience as a librarian at academic, special and public libraries, and has a keen interest in teaching research skills.  Her current passion is in the developing area of AI, and how it will impact both higher education and the legal profession.

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