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South Australia




South Australian Legislation

  • current consolidated Acts, Regulations and Rules

  • Acts as enacted (2003 – ) and Regulations & Rules as enacted (2003 – )

  • Bills (2005 – )

  • Index of South Australian Legislation


Subject Index to South Australian Legislation

South Australian Legal History Archive – Flinders University

  • Acts (1837 – 2002)

South Australian Bills – AustLII (2002 – )

Hansard – Parliament of South Australia


Case Law


South Australian Law Reports (1863 – 1920)

State Reports (South Australia) (1920 – 1950) 

Courts Administration Authority

South Australian Industrial Relations Court, Commission and Tribunal decisions (2003 – )

AustLII – South Australia 


*Official website of the south Australian Industrial Relations Court, South Australian Industrial Relations Commission and the South Australian Workers Compensation Tribunal.




South Australian Government Gazette (1999 – )





Secondary Sources


Foolkit – The Free Legal Toolkit 


Law Reform


South Australian Law Reform Institute


South Australian University Library Resources



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