ALLA 2009 Conference
The 2009 ALLA Evolution Conference was organised jointly by the Northern Territory and South Australian divisions and held at the brand new Darwin Convention Centre from 2 to 4 September 2009.
2009 Conference Committee
ALLA would like to thank the members of the 2009 conference committee:
Frieda Evans, Jane Angel, Sue Coates, Michelle L Brown, Barbara Keogh, and Helen Edney
for organising such an informative and successful event.
Papers & Presentations
Bendeich, Marisa - Beyond the ToC: evolving current awareness services through collaboration PDF / PowerPoint
Bratchford, David and Davies, Claudia - Evolution: gorillas to guerrillas - PDF
Bulovic, Branco - Staying relevant: how to adapt the library services to other firm operations in this time of financial crisis - PowerPoint
Cvelbar, Martin - Online replication of of first year legal research classes: the pods have arrived - PowerPoint
Dal Pont, Gino - Keynote address: Evolution of the legal profession - Word / PowerPoint
Govan, Ana - Project management methodology for implementing an electronic document, library, knowledge or records management system - Word / PowerPoint
Gray, Ian - Keynote address by the Chief Magistrate of Victoria: JOIN brings Victorian Courts into the 21st century - PowerPoint
Hinchcliff, Carole - Evolving and devolving: Melbourne Law School's new law research service - PowerPoint
Leaver, Hayley - Mission impossible or how to establish a special library on time and on budget - Word
Luppino, Vince - Sitting as a magistrate in the NT Magistrates Court - PDF / PDF Slides
MacRae, Damien - Digital content and the new consumer: what Radiohead, the Huffington Post and Perez Hilton can teach legal information professionals - PDF
Moore, Linda - Professionals and Web 2.0 - Word
Newlands, Lyn - Lifting the veil: the changing face of judgments publishing in the Family Court of Australia - PowerPoint / PDF
Partridge, Helen - Librarian 2.0: the most adaptable to change? - PDF
Pitts, Charlotte - From the cradle of humankind to Darwin Word / PowerPoint
Rowe-Nurse, Karen - Are legal research skills the equivalent of the dodo? - PowerPoint
Schoolmeister, Jason - How did we ever live without sharepoint? - PDF
Wardell, Kayleen - From caveman to casebase - Word / PowerPoint